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Champions at Genocide – Taimur Leng and Churchill

Cartoonist Leslie Illingworth's faithfully reproduces Churchill's views on India. (Cartoon courtesy - cartoons.ac.uk; Published - Daily Mail, 20 May 1947).

Cartoonist Leslie Illingworth's faithfully reproduces Churchill's views on India. (Cartoon courtesy - cartoons.ac.uk; Published - Daily Mail, 20 May 1947).

Hitler believed that the so-called Nordic race, which in his view included Germans and Britons, was destined to rule the world. He sought to emulate, not supplant, the British Empire: the German empire would comprise the Slavic countries to the east. As he saw it, the United Kingdom would retain its colonies but assume the role of Germany’s junior partner in world domination. (read more via Churchill’s Dark Side: Six Questions for Madhusree Mukerjee—By Scott Horton (Harper’s Magazine).

Eat what you can digest

Looking at the lukewarm  coverage, desultory reporting and the general indifference to Madhusree Mukerjee’s masterly work on the Bengal Famine, I am drawn to some intriguing conclusions.

‘Modern’ Indians can be satisfied with perception and propaganda. Easier to digest, I presume. Empirical evidence be damned. Between the Rightist Islamic-atrocities and the Marxist effete-feudal theologies, Indian history suffers. At this rate, India will become another case of ‘forget-nothing-learn-nothing’.

Indian military might

The commentators are very enamored by ‘victims-of-Islamic-atrocities’ narrative – even though India’s military might would have reduced these ‘invasions’ to extensive plunder-pillage-massacre expeditions. In the few cases where these ‘invasions’ were able to consolidate, the regimes were short-lived.

British jaziya tax?

The crippling taxes that these Islāmic ‘invaders’ were able to impose, were less crippling than Western colonial extraction. At the end of the Mughal Raj, India was still a formidable economy. Even after, the Mughal rulers had bloated their treasury to the largest in the world. By the time the British were sent packing, Indians were left struggling for roti-kapda-makaan.

Taimur and Churchill

The Delhi massacre of Taimur Lame, the Mongol looter accounted for less than 2 lakh victims (most estimates are 1,00,00). The Bengal Famine engineered by the British accounted for 40-50 lakh victims (British estimates are 10,00,000-20,00,000). Taimur was a Hindu-hating Islāmic plunderer. Churchill and the British Raj oozed the milk of human kindness? From every pore and orifice of their bodies?

Westernization – the new religion

So enamored with the new religion of ‘Westernization’ are we, that no criticism will be accepted or tolerated. Compared to the ‘co-operation’ with the Islāmic plunderers our ‘collaboration’ with the West is in no way less damaging or in any way less culpable.

Not a welcome message, I guess.

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Eat what you can digest

Looking at the lukewarm coverage, desultory reporting and the general indifference to Madhabi Mukherjee’s masterly work on the Bengal Famine, I am drawn to some intriguing conclusions.

‘Modern’ Indians can be satisfied with perception and propaganda. Easier to digest, I presume. Empirical evidence be damned. Between the Rightist Islamic-atrocities and the Marxist effete-feudal theologies, Indian history suffers. At this rate, India will become another case of ‘forget-nothing-learn-nothing’.

Indian military might

The commentators are very enamored by ‘victims-of-Islamic-atrocities’ narrative – even though India‘s military might would have reduced these ‘invasions’ to extensive plunder-pillage-massacre expeditions. In the few cases where these ‘invasions’ were able to consolidate, the regimes were short-lived.

British jaziya tax?

The crippling taxes that these Islamic ‘invaders’ were able to impose, were less crippling than Western colonial extraction. At the end of the Mughal Raj, India was still a formidable economy. Even after, the Mughal rulers had bloated their treasury to the largest in the world. By the time the British were sent packing, Indians were left struggling for roti-kapda-makaan.

Taimur and Churchill

The Delhi massacre of Taimur Lame, the Mongol looter accounted for less than 2 lakh victims. The Bengal Famine engineered by the British accounted for 40-50 lakh victims. Taimur was a Hindu-hating Islamic plunderer. Churchill and the British Raj oozed the milk of human kindness? From every pore and orifice of their bodies?

Westernization – the new religion

So enamored with the new religion of ‘Westernization’ are we, that no criticism will be accepted or tolerated. Compared to the ‘co-operation’ with the Islamic plunderers our ‘collaboration’ with the West is in no way less damaging or in any way less culpable.

Not a welcome message, I guess.



  1. January 4, 2011 at 7:39 am

    It is sad indeed. The British raped India, and yet, the hue and cry over it is barely noticeable. The way the Jews keep reminding the World of what happened to them, through books and movies, is how Indians should be reminded, and the World as well, of the atrocities of the cruelest and most evil of all Empires .

  2. Nishkamya
    January 10, 2011 at 4:47 pm

    ^^ A large proportion of the East India Company that raped India was jewish. So why would teh world media allow publicizing this

  3. January 10, 2011 at 6:46 pm

    Well … I would differ on that.

    1. Western media is more complex than that.

    2. It works on the basis massed idelogical bombings. The sheer numbers overwhelm the opposition. Other voices.

    3. The answer is caveat emptor – buyer beware.

    4. As ‘consumers of this propaganda, it is upto us to expose the ‘truth’ – and to build our own ideological defences.

    5. Coming to ‘Jewish’ control over media. Assuming that your ‘construct’ is valid, would you rather have Christian or Islamic control over media? Will that make a difference?

    6. Judaism, Christianity and Islam are Desert Bloc religions – different only in name and time. More @ http://is.gd/kcREA

  4. March 20, 2011 at 11:13 am

    many here are asking, how an we make the present generation of britons responsbible for sins of their fore fathers.. and they tend to conclude that it is better to bury up the past..

    I could not pose an effective answer to this.. would be happy to know your response to such questions..

  5. March 21, 2011 at 4:28 am

    how an we make the present generation of britons responsbible for sins of their fore fathers.

    A good, clever argument.

    How many Britons have given up the benefits of their imperial loot? An admirable few.

    How many have rejected the Homicidal-State-Welfare-Society-Altruist-Might-is-Right model of social organization? A small and admirable minority.

    Commit murder daily – and confess. All will be forgiven – and forgotten. That is the second trick.

    After the Bengal Famine, did the British Govt own up? Even today, while widely known and accepted, does the British Govt. own up to its crimes?

    After the Bengal Famine, did they stop their murderous ways? No!. They killed a million Kenyans in the Mau-Mau War. Same story in Malaya. Sanctions on South Africa were imposed after 25 years of international struggle, led by India.

    But most members of Desert Bloc Societies accept their ‘share’ and ‘dues’ from the State – and will ‘fess’ up to their ‘crimes’, if pushed. Confess, and you can demand and assume you are forgiven.

    This confession-and-forgiveness mechanism is a peculiar Desert Bloc innovation to make an entire society complicit in the crimes of the State.

    The British Raj was an excellent representation of this ‘society-gone-bad’. Joseph Conrad blamed Western contact with the ‘natives’ for Western ‘descent-into-barbarity’.

    While rejecting their ‘fathers’-crimes’ in India, they continue to visit these ‘crimes’ on new societies. Why did a million Iraqis and another million Afghans die? Why do Brits want to occupy Falklands? We are forced to conclude that the Great Bengal Famine was not an aberration – but a part of a 500 year pattern, that continues till date.

    Present day Britons are responsible to the extent they: –

    1. Demand and partake benefits from the Welfare State.

    2. Confess to old murders and commit new murders.

    3. Are proud of British Empire and ‘Great’ Britain.

    they tend to conclude that it is better to bury up the past.

    This is not surprising. Covered in my post on Demonize, Genocide and Apologize.

    First, Indians were stereotyped for ‘breeding like rabbits’. Then Indians were ‘demonized’ for their population growth. Genocide followed. Apology will come – if Indians make a hue and cry.

    Hitler, Churcill, Americans, Australians, Belgians have all followed this 4-step process. These annihilations were sustained over periods ranging from 50-200 years. So, clearly most of these societies are active members in these annihilations.

  6. June 1, 2011 at 6:40 pm

  7. September 8, 2012 at 11:09 am

    The basic premise is that education, language and the intent behind both have corrupted our minds. Therefore, greater, concerted effort and patient explanation with data is the only way to change young minds. Please note that there is very little space for original ideas or books yet. Prof. Prodosh Aich’s book has hardly any exposure here.

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