Home > Europe, India, Religion, Social Trends, USA > Sexual Abuse Of Minors – Netherlands Report

Sexual Abuse Of Minors – Netherlands Report

Under the guise of charity, are hundreds of thousands cases of sexual abuse. Is this a result from centuries of sexual repression in the Desert Blocinstead of individual moral failure, as alleged.

Sexual repression by design in The Desert Bloc  |  Cartoonist - Mike Peters; source & courtesy - gal.darkervision.com  |  Click for source image.

Sexual repression by design in The Desert Bloc | Cartoonist - Mike Peters; source & courtesy - gal.darkervision.com | Click for source image.

Church in crisis

In the last 10 years, the Christian Church – across all factions, Catholic, Protestants and others have massed their evangelical agents for ‘conversions’ in the Indian faith ‘market’.

Interestingly this coincides with a crisis in the Church.

Sexual abuse of minors

A damaging investigation across most countries in the West has dripped horrific incidents and stats of sexual abuse of minors across the West. By the Church – and even ‘secular’ or ‘liberal’ charities. Appointed for investigations in Netherlands,

The commission estimated that 10,000 to 20,000 minors were sexually abused while in the care of Catholic institutions such as orphanages, boarding schools and seminaries, between 1945 and 1981, with offences ranging from the very mild to the serious, including rape.

Most of the cases involved mild to moderate abuse, such as touching, but it said that it estimated there were “several thousand” instances of rape.

It also said that from the end of World War II until 2010, “several tens of thousands of minors were subjected to mild, serious and very serious forms of inappropriate sexual behaviour in the Roman Catholic Church”.

But it said sexual abuse was no more prevalent in Catholic institutions than in similar ones run by other groups.

“Sexual abuse of minors is widespread in Dutch society,” the commission said.

The findings appear to paint a picture of wider abuse in the Netherlands even than in Ireland, in a scandal that has rocked the Catholic Church in Europe and the United States and forced Pope Benedict to apologise to victims of sexual abuse by priests.

The investigation was commissioned by the Conference of Bishops and the Dutch Religious Conference in 2010 after cases surfaced involving paedophile priests in the Netherlands, Belgium, Ireland, Germany, Australia, Canada and the United States.

Wim Deetman, a Protestant former education minister and former mayor of The Hague who led the commission.  (via Catholic Church sexually abused tens of thousands children in Netherlands: Commission – The Times of India).

The problem may not be the priests - but the system of sexual repression that the Church fosters. |  Cartoon by David Reddick; source & courtesy - aintnogod.com  |  Click for larger image.

The problem may not be the priests - but the system of sexual repression that the Church fosters. | Cartoon by David Reddick; source & courtesy - aintnogod.com | Click for larger image.

Is charity an excuse

This pattern of charity that is a cover for sexual misbehaviour recently claimed a life.

Peter Roebuck, a cricket player-coach-writer recently jumped to his death from his 6th floor hotel room in South Africa. After receiving a suspended sentence in a British court for not-so deviant behaviour with his South African trainees, he emigrated to Australia.

Similarly, in India too, we have seen these various do-gooders use their ‘charity’ work to gain access to unwilling sexual partners.


Promoted by the Desert Bloc ‘system’ is

Sexual repression in the masses

– An impossible marriage mechanism with a crazed alimony system

– Antagonistic and confrontational gender relations

– A flourishing prostitution industry

– A distorted religious system that promotes celibacy

Charity seems like a façade for gaining access to sexual partners in all these cases. The cause may be sexual repression and not dubious charity. Not surprisingly, under Desert Bloc maya, these cases continue to be projected as individual moral failures.

Instead of deviant behaviour, triggered by denial of human sexuality.

By Desert Bloc societies.

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